Monday, September 19, 2011

the truth in my heart 39

co'z it's really taking one step at a time....

as what bff said.... SLOWLY BUT SURELY...

and i think.. i'm on my way now....

no more FALSE HOPES.....


Sunday, September 18, 2011

the truth in my heart 38

just remember this:

when i hand you this cake... it only means one thing.... i'm happy for you....

finally.. no turning back this time....

and promise: it's really from the bottom of my heart...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Points of view by joey albert w/ lyrics

the truth in my heart 37

if there's anything i can do for now to bring back the confidence that once was lost in you.. how i love to help u... your such a talented person.. a gifted if i may say...

but i know things are not the same as it was before.... but how i pray that you might have the courage and determination to do that now...

you have a lot of things to share to the world... and it really saddens me to see you not giving your best when in the first place you are destined to give your best because you are simply the BEST...

i was really in deep thought now how to help you in my most simple ways.... well.. i guess.. you just have to remember all the good things or words i said to you before.. hope that could help... focus and concentrate on that.. co'z when i said those words.. i just didn't say it to flatter you or to make you feel accepted or important but when i said those words.. i really mean it from my heart because i simply BELIEVE IN YOU....

you have a lot of things to do... and you can still do a lot of things... keep on doing it dear...

honestly, i am not happy to see you that way.. i know you severely miss doing things just like before.. i know.. co'z i can see it in you.. but i also understand that right now.. your having a hard time composing yourself again... if only i could do something... i would...

i would love to see you again soaring the skies... it's the least i can do for now.. just remember everything i said before... it's all i have in my heart.. and it's all the thruth i have for you...

keep the flame burning my dear...

and the blog after this is for you...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

the truth in my heart 36

because you still need me... so here i am.. staying with your side no matter what......

facing everything.. hard and difficult.... light and easy.... moments of laughters and times of tears.....

for now.. i guess.. i have no choice.... you still need me and that's what you told me, right??? that "you need me"...and i think.. well... sumhow i still enjoy your company.... those times and moments that i still laugh with the rest whenever were together...

i know it would never be an easy situation now that were about to face..... but just as you need me.. i guess.. we both need to hang on.... you do your part. and i will give my best to make this work...hopefullly to see ourselves in the coming years both happy and productive....

but for now... YES.. I AM STAYING WITH YOU....

so you better treat me well this time... hahaha...

Saturday, September 3, 2011

the truth in my heart 35

and how would i suppose to tell you what i feel inside..... when in the first place you don't deal with petty issues in life...

maybe.. i should talk to you over here... but how.... u'r not even reading this page....

honestly.. i'm a little bit sad when we had that talk... i know your not imposing or asking me to do something but you know what.... i'm not insensitive nor a fool person not to get straight then and there what was that conversation for....

i know.. it's simply as... if that person can't do something.. then you do something....

i must admit... i'm hurt... (but oh well.. wala k naman paki dun db????).. i'm just wondering how come.....

i mean.. of all the person that i trusted so much... you know your one of them.. and yet... i had difficulty reconciling what your trying to drive from what i really feel inside.....

you know i'm not doing anything and here you are... you didn't even care to feel what i feel....

i know.. it's over.. but then again, i was not given to explain my side here and to let what i feel inside and maybe this is the end result of this all...

i don't know but maybe i loose a part of that trust i have for you..... even the closeness we had... those laughters and kulitan that i missed the most.... but then i can't force myself to bring back everything....

i know i'm just waiting for one thing that you would do.....EXPLAIN TO ME EVERYTHING THE TRUTH WHY....

then maybe i would be at rest again with you....