Monday, August 29, 2011

the truth in my heart 34

isn't it funny how people would do everything just to caught someone's else attention????

honestly, i don't see any point of doing something because you want someone to notice you...unless for one truth.... YOUR REALLY NOT HAPPY WITH WHERE YOU ARE AND WITH WHAT YOU DO....

i'm not mad but quiet irritated with the things are going on... hello people... if what your trying to say is this:

1. " I'M HAPPY NOW "..... -- good for you... keep that happiness always....
2. " I ALREADY MOVE ON".... -- great... don't bother other people'z honestly.. they are not interested as what your trying to say with your actions.... see... there's a lot more important things to do rather than focusing on you....but then... great that you already move on....
3. " I'M NOT HAPPY AND STILL STRUGGLING".... --- wow... honest enough to admit that??? well.... you've been there almost everyday of your life.... of course you know what to do....
4. " I STILL NEED YOU.YOU ALWAY MATTERS TO ME " ---- REALLY??? HAHAHA!!! i've heard it around 1000000000x ... but then.. u really don't know the true meaning of that phrase...
5. " NOTHING... I JUST WANT YOU TO NOTICE ME".... --- well... hope that that kind of "papansin" would make me smile all through my heart... but know what.... it only adds to that feeling of really staying away from you....

let me get it straight to you..... if your happy and already have moved on.... continue with your present life.... don't bother other people with your "papansin" tactics... it only annoys others... see... were all living in a quiet world and if you can't cooperate of making this world a better place to live... well i think.. you must be in outer space.... the world would not be needing those "papansin" moves...

but if your not happy and contented and still in that struggling situation.... my suggestion would be... take time to pause.. breath... and then look for those "qualified and matured people " that could help you to get out of that situation of yours....

and last.... if you just want to annoy or involve others with what your going through.... i would say that.. you let them know.. who knows they would be more than willing and eager to get themselves involve.... just let them know.....

and never show that kind of "papansin"tactic again... co'z u know what dear.... i have only one word for you.....


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